Bryan ISD Trustee Dr. Douglas Wunneberger Reflects on 13 Years of Service

Bryan ISD Public Outreach Officer Dr. Hugo Ibarra was joined in the KEOS studios this week by outgoing Bryan ISD Board of Trustees Member Dr. Douglas Wunneberger.  Dr. Wunneberger, who announced that he is stepping down due to moving outside of the district that he was elected to serve, shared with us some of the highlights of his 13 years of service to the students, teachers and staff of Bryan ISD.  Starting as a PTO President at Jane Long Middle (now Intermediate) School and eventually President of the Bryan ISD Board of Trustees Dr. Wunneberger has served over four terms on the School Board.  In his stated role as an advocate for the students he and his fellow School Board members have provided direction for the District.  From making difficult decisions about attendance zones to selection of a new Superintendent Dr. Wunneberger has played a role in shaping the future of Bryan ISD.  He offers his advice for anyone thinking about seeking a seat on the School Board as well as his thoughts on where he sees Bryan ISD headed in the future.